Item Coversheet

Agenda Item # M.(22)

Eureka City Schools Board of Education


Agenda Title:Approval of Annual Board Member Stipend Payments for Board Meetings Attended in 2021
Meeting Date:December 9, 2021

WHAT (the board is asked to discuss, receive, approve, or adopt)

The Governing Board is asked to approve the following Stipend payment totals for Board meetings attended in 2021:


Duncan: Attended all Board meetings. Amount to be paid: $533.33
Fernandez: Stipend Declined

Johnson: Stipend Declined

Ollivier: Stipend Declined
Taplin: Stipend Declined

WHY (briefly explain why the action or discussion is important; and if applicable, how it is connected to site, district, or strategic plans)

Per Board Bylaw 9250, the members of the Board of Education are entitled to receive a Stipend of $50.00 per month ($600.00 annually). Board members can elect to decline this Stipend. Board members shall not receive compensation for meetings not attended.


The monthly compensation will be calculated as follows: Meetings Attended divided by the Meetings Held multiplied by $50.00 = monthly compensation. The Stipend will be paid annually in December for the previous calendar year. Outline of calculations attached. 

Subject does not apply to a Strategic Plan Priority Area

HISTORY (list previous staff or board action(s) with dates if possible)

At the Board meeting on September 29, 2016, the Board approved a $50.00 per month stipend ($600.00 annually) to Board members.

HOW MUCH(list the revenue amount $ and/or the expense amount $)

Request for Approval of Payment, as follows:


Total Payments for Approval by the Governing Board:


Duncan: $533.33

Fernandez: Declined Stipend

Johnson: Declined Stipend

Ollivier: Declined Stipend

Taplin: Declined Stipend

WHO(list the name of the contact person(s), job title, and site location)
Fred Van Vleck, Ed.D. - Superintendent
Stipend Calculation - 2021 Board Meetings