Item Coversheet

Agenda Item # N.(37)


Agenda Title:Policy Updates from CSBA - September 2023 and Updates to Board Bylaw 9322 (First Review)
Meeting Date:December 14, 2023

WHAT (the board is asked to discuss, receive, approve, or adopt)
The Governing Board is being asked to discuss the policy updates from CSBA -September 2023 and Board Bylaw 9322.

WHY (briefly explain why the action or discussion is important; and if applicable, how it is connected to site, district, or strategic plans)

From time to time, relatively minor changes occur that affect the text of CSBA sample board policies, administrative regulations, and board bylaws but do not warrant reissuing the entire sample because the changes are limited. It is recommended that districts review the revisions and incorporate them in district materials as appropriate. Although the revisions are minor, the district should still use its normal adoption process to adopt the board policies, administrative regulations, and/or board bylaws affected by these revisions. The following Board Policies, Administrative Regulations and Board Bylaws have various changes due to changes in laws, new laws, court decisions, and clarification.

Governance and Policy updating is not reflected in the Strategic Plan Priority Area

HISTORY (list previous staff or board action(s) with dates if possible)

This is the first reading of these policies. 

HOW MUCH(list the revenue amount $ and/or the expense amount $)
There is no revenue or expense related to this agenda item.

WHO(list the name of the contact person(s), job title, and site location)
Fred Van Vleck, Ed.D., Superintendent
Index + Sept CSBA Policy Set and BB 9322